Manufacturing Location

Hodenhagen Germany:
This state of the art facility with 10.000 m² floor space consists of 1K- and 2K injection moulding machines, semi & fully automated equipment, computerized vision systems as well as a computer tomography for quality assurance.

Monterrey Mexico:
With its 6.000 m² floor space consists plastic injection moulding machines with semi & fully automated equipment, we serve the North American Automotive Industry since 2007 with multiple applications for Occupant Safety System components.

Shanghai China:
Our Safety facility is 100% owned by ITW with 3.000 m² floor space only for Occupant Safety System components and consists 1K injection moulding machines with semi automated equipment.

Hodenhagen, Germany

Monterrey, Mexico

Shanghai, China

All our Safety facilities are ISO TS 16949 and ISO 14001 certified and operate under strict
quality standards and one lead.